Thursday, December 20, 2007

Synthetic DNA produced

Articles show that teams produced long chains of synthetic DNA for the first time in laboratories this month. They have been creating artificial lifeforms with this manmade DNA. It is probable that they will be able to articulate the chemical chains required to synthesize whole new bacteria by this spring.

Our American and world bioweapons laboratories have already extensively conditioned existing viruses and bacteria into weapons grade engineered diseases, likely with racially specific targets, particularly the H5N1 bird flu virus and HIV, c.1970.

The advent of a worldwide scientific quorum of ability to produce DNA steps over the possibility of global bioterrorism, or worse, state terrorism.

The goal of humans 2.0 is to advance human DNA usefulness in respect to human enjoyment, love, society, and life and to produce new humans, and other biology, with or without the donor capability of one or more parent humans. It may also be soon discovered that the human creation of aphysical electromagnetic fields and their arranagment and synthesis can be enhanced.

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