Monday, December 24, 2007

Before building a biological system you must understand the electrical systems that lay underneath it. For a system to be biologically sound it must be electrically sound.

Presuming that we have fusion changes things biologically. We're a race of life and death, with the curses of the garden of eden upon us, forcing us to toil and fight. Fusion will give us everything we need, and raise us in high water above Eden. It is, itself, the end of God's curses from Eden. High 5. What do we do in that absence, though?

It is as though you are no longer living in your parents' house, and all laws are limited only by what you can buy or not get stopped from doing. Imagine having an infinitely full wallet and this. That is what it will be like. We must keep this in mind when designing new life.

Currently we have intrahuman and social and potential continuity crises form vices such as sexual deviancy, social disorder, etc. Species having niches rely on these instincts to survive. If we build a biology that has only chemical systems to survive, they will have no instincts and probably die. Species have intrapersonal instincts that they acquire or develop mentally during their life according to their DNA and experiences. We need to *code* this. How would you?

An electromental 8>9 that is unchecked will produce an unsavory field which could cause a normally vibrating cell to become cancer. That is bad. A poor set of instincts and other factors could cause unhealthy em pathways and weak immune systems. This is probably how 'fitness' is generated and organized. We need to *code* this. Not just fuck up some seed that exists already.

God is raising a species. We've been raised by God for thousands of years. GM species have no benefits of coded instincts. The sperm-egg style reproduction and the womb almost certainly introduces fitness tests on fetuses that we do not in the laboratory. We can insert any dna into the egg, without the dna being required to be housed and checked off by a male, produce a functioning sperm, which is a prototype, or pass the egg's em selection process, which most science hardly recognizes. We do have the check of the egg needing to live and grow properly to a fit species, especially if implanted into the womb, where it would be interacted with by a mother considering continuing investing energy in the fetus.

Consider static electricity and DNA strands.

Those tests should be good enough if they're good enough for God. We should insert dna into a sperm and then have that sperm do its job with an egg freely instead. That is a good way for the dna to pass two tests, but it will also not pass the seemingly random DNA selection process from the two contributing parents.

We could make all the desired DNA dominant, which may have to do with collected em charge of the codons. They may collect more charge as particles as static electrical circuits when they are used. More frequently used codons or codon sets may become more dominant. Is this true? Let's measure the relative em strength of segments of DNA. We might be able to change dominance in DNA codons.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Species Groups

The world, and each world/ecosystem, contains various species groups which are designed to throw around nutrients and fields in a circular or ovoid manner fueled by the greater astronomical cycles.

These species groups are built by spirit groups or a creator to operate cyclically it seems and produce something for the greater spirit cycle. What they cannot use they give either to the up or down cycle, life or death.

With the advent of alchemical procedures and forthcoming energy field alchemy overriding the conventional rules of em field dynamics, likely by temporal harmonics or other methodologies, this tiered system will no longer be important for humans. We will not rely on energy co or pro-producers. We may soon be able to produce alchemical oxygen generators fit for breathing without consuming. We can be freed from plants and animals for them to be treated kindly, and live without consuming meaningfully while producing intelligently.

Every alien species begins either formed at the top of the ladder intelligently benefiting and soon understanding the methods of alchemical or special em non-consumption, or separates eventually into that form or down into death or subsistence slavery to another race doing the same.

These species [and em/spirit] groups are engineered together to be like cars with minimal energy loss. Eventually, vehicles will be produced that can be driven farther than is meaningful before breaking down, and maintenance or replacement of the form will immortalize them. Similarly, species will gradually adjust in this way by nature, or promptly by intelligent adjustment.

What is the greatest and best species group or individual setup to pursue the things in life wonderful? Life and death here become immaterial, and intelligence and its higher orders become the key to energy sufficiency. How can this quest be described without a chemical representative of it [error type: 8>9, Doppleganger]? It must be intelligently understood first and then the chemical formation will follow.

A chemical and em net understanding of honor, intelligence, resources and their trade and valuation will begin.


Sustainable Funk is Important


Synthetic DNA produced

Articles show that teams produced long chains of synthetic DNA for the first time in laboratories this month. They have been creating artificial lifeforms with this manmade DNA. It is probable that they will be able to articulate the chemical chains required to synthesize whole new bacteria by this spring.

Our American and world bioweapons laboratories have already extensively conditioned existing viruses and bacteria into weapons grade engineered diseases, likely with racially specific targets, particularly the H5N1 bird flu virus and HIV, c.1970.

The advent of a worldwide scientific quorum of ability to produce DNA steps over the possibility of global bioterrorism, or worse, state terrorism.

The goal of humans 2.0 is to advance human DNA usefulness in respect to human enjoyment, love, society, and life and to produce new humans, and other biology, with or without the donor capability of one or more parent humans. It may also be soon discovered that the human creation of aphysical electromagnetic fields and their arranagment and synthesis can be enhanced.